Monday, March 29, 2010

>Running is not a pretty look for me..

I hate how all my fluff shows. It's an eye opener for me no doubt.
You see my ugly c-section pouch? Ick.

Nothing looks perfectly in place at all.
I swear the lumps in my thighs can be seen and those veins on my left shin make it look like I have a huge bruise there.

What these two pictures has done is make me realize my problem areas and what I need to work harder on.
-my stomach (upper and lower)
-my thighs
-my form

They just make it look as though running is not pretty on me.

 but this picture....
This picture makes me realize that my body is capable of doing things that 40 pounds ago it was not. For that I am proud and the smile on my face shows that. It reminds me of what I have accomplished. It keeps me wanting more. Running has helped me shed those 40 pounds so that I am a more confident (more pretty) me.

I still have goals to meet.
This week I will be sharing my April goals with you and talking about my March goals, what I met/what I didnt'...the good, the bad and the ugly.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

>Can you handle it???

>What am I talking about??
A give away SO big I'm not sure I can handle it!! It's very exciting!!
But you have to be quick because it ends April 2nd.
Head on over to Running Diva Mom and check out the great loot that you (or I) could win!!!

>Will run for a new PR!!!!!

This weekend my hubby and I traveled to Georgia to run a 5k sort of celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary. (hahaha) My dear friend from childhood is part of Service League in her county and they were hosting a great (maybe...details later) 5k run "For the Children" to benefit the kids there. Great cause.

I wish I could say it was a great race to run. You know before hand I was concerned about not being able to view a course map. Well, now that I have ran this race I know why there was not a race map to view prior to the race start. It was brutal (in some parts). My friend told me that from what she could remember the course had one tough hill. Ok, I thought. No big deal we can deal with that. Holy cow! She was slightly off. There was one big hill. It was a gradual uphill though. The one she did not remember was the massive hill at the start of the second mile. Whoa!!

I checked my watch at the 1 mile mark and was at 10:30 seconds. No problem! I felt good at this point. Once I climbed the gradual hill and rounded a curve I spotted the massive hill and I cannot even tell you the words going through my mind. I am sure I didn't say them aloud but ya never know... haha
Finally up the hill and around another curve I hear some of the Service League ladies say, "It's all down hill from here, you got it!" Whew!
They were right. I was never happier to see the downhill. But I looked at my watch and saw 25:02. Major bummer. That was a looooong mile.

I gave it all I had from there on because I knew I was just so close to  my goal and I knew how much farther I had to go. It scared me and I began to get a little disappointed that I wouldn't make it. You know, I was shooting for 36 minutes but had said that since I didn't know the course I wasn't expecting to make that time. However, I wanted to break my past 5k race time.

So, as I got to the area where the race started (we kind of did a loop..I am not a fan of loops when running) I looked at my watch again and saw that I was at about 34 minutes. Another 2 minutes to finish out the last half of the 3rd mile and the .10. Agggh. I was getting so discouraged. I still had one more hill to climb a curve to round and it was downhill from there..again.

My dear friend was set up at a station close to the end of the race. When I got to her and her big sis I felt more encouraged. They were cheering me on and it made me feel so good. I began to tear up and get swelled with a little pride when I looked at my watch. I was so close to that 36 minute mark. I knew I wasn't going to make it but knowing how much farther I had to go I kind of felt that I would beat my last 5k time for sure.  Once I hit the last straightaway and saw the ladies holding the 3 mile marker sign it really was downhill and I could see the official race clock and my sweet hubby.

I looked up at the clock (36:42) and booked it. Hubby said I was grinning like a little kid, but I was so happy. After every other 5k race I have ran I have been overwhelmed with emotion and cried (I'm a baby!) but this time it was a different feeling. I have felt accomplished in the past and did this time as well. But never before have I felt so happy with my time.


That is a PR for me for sure!
I honestly didn't think I could do it. I am not confident in myself at all. Those hills were brutal (promise!) and I really did not think that after crossing 2 miles at 25 minutes that I had a chance at making it in under 40 minutes. My glutes are still sore today!
But I did it.
Next goal....

35 minutes! ;)

My friend, B, and me before the race. It was a coooollldd morning, too.

My hubby (who said he will never run that race with or without me ever again) and I after the race (how I hate the way my running tights ride all up in my! Hubby ran in 30:17.

And just for fun! ;)

Friday, March 26, 2010

>The untitled rambling post...

>That isn't really untitled! HA!

I am leaving in about 2 hours to head down to the great state of GA with my hubby and kids. I hope to pick up my pre-race goodies today so that I don't have to fool with being up extra early to get them in the morning. Our race starts at 8am. I *think* I am ready to go.

Last night I tried out my new running skirt to see if that is what I wanted to wear for the race. Um, not so much. The shorts underneath kept riding up. I guess that's because I have such thunder thighs. Oh well. I still have no clue what I plan to wear because it's going to be a wee bit chilly when we start and I hate layering because it just irritates me when I run to have to shed a layer. It slows me down ya know and I don't need any help being slow!

I had planned on a light easy run or elliptical work last night. I ended up running 2.10 miles in 22:30, not too bad. I would love to keep a 10:30 -11: 00 min/mile pace tomorrow. It's my goal, ya know. :)
I also hopped on the elliptical and covered 1.75 miles in 15 minutes.
Today I will rest although I feel like (in the words of my hubby) I should do something to limber up. So maybe when I get to my mom's I will take a stroll down her driveway. teehee

Well, I will definitely post race results the first chance I get. I can't promise pictures though since we won't really have anyone there with a personal camera and I can't see running with my big DSLR!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

>4 days...

>is the amount of time I have until my first 5k of the year.
It's a new race for me and I have yet to find a course map. That drives me crazy. I like to see where I will be running and check out the elevation. Boo for not being able to do that ahead of time. Guess I will have to wait and let it be a surprise. Fun fun. Hopefully I am at least a little bit ready for it.  Of course I will post an update at some point.

My workouts this week have been pretty good.

Monday - ran 2.2 miles, biked 5.6 miles and cross trained (elliptical) for 3 miles. Total time: 62:33
My run was done in 20 minutes which was a 9:16 min/mile. Pretty good. I just wish I was that fast every time I run!

Tuesday- Wii EA Sports Active Trainer workout. I set the game to a (hard level) pre-set workout. It was a 35 minute total body workout. Tough (if you ask me!!). I felt I needed more since the game said I only burned 250 calories. Soooo, I set up another 20 minute boxing workout. Ouch.

So tonight I have no clue what I want to do as far as a workout goes. Part of me wants to run (far/long) sicnce I plan to take Thurs/Fri off, but how much is too much? I never usually stress over my pre-race day workouts and I know that I will just be running a 5k and not more miles than that. I realize 3.1 miles is an easy run for most runners, too. I stress over this race stuff though. It may be that I have a PR in mind and that's all I can think about at this point. I really don't know if I will reach it or that I really care that much since it is a race I have never ran before, so my expectations are set very high. Afterall crossing the finish line is a huge accomplishment as it is. :)

I'm contemplating running in a new Nike skirt I picked up this past weekend OR my regular running tights. I haven't ran at all in the skirt so I am not sure I want to test it out for the race. I think I will test it tonight to get at least a feel for running in a skirt!

Food wise--
I have done well this week with the exception of one crazy meal last night. It was my anniversary yesterday and since my hubby coaches high school track he was late getting home because of a track meet. We didn't have a celebratory dinner or anything fancy. Instead I did our usual Tuesday outting and took the kids to Chickfila. I had already told myself during the day that I would get a grilled chicken salad and be good to go. Well, well, well...
What do you know? I get there and start to order. I guess since my hubby wasn't there I felt the need to feel his presence anyway. I ordered his usual (minus the upsizing)...nuggets and fries. Crapomighty!!!
Those fries I swear are the reason I was up 1.2 lbs this morning (yes, daily weigher here) from my weight yesterday. Pooo.

So, today has been 100% on plan and I intend to keep it that way!  And since I have rambled about this that and everything boring today I will leave you with a tip..

Destination 26.2 is hosting an awesome giveaway!! Head on over there and check it out.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

>Skinny jeans

>And No, I am not talking about this kind....

I'm talking about my own!
Last week I took a day off from work to play with the kids since they were on Spring Break. Well, it wasn't so pretty out so the hubby and I decided to clean out our dresser drawers and the closet. It was like a mini shopping spree for me!
I pulled down the tubs of clothes I had been saving in "hopes to wear again one day." Well, I started trying on my "skinny" stuff. I struck gold, so to speak! I was so happy that so many of my clothes fit, again. :)
Today I am wearing a pair of jeans that I have not worn in 5 years. My beloved Gap faded jeans. Worn to comfort the way I like. If I was good at snapping pics of myself I would take one but I am just not good at that. But take my word, I have them on and they look good (teehee!).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


>and before you ask...

NO I am not talking about miles.
I haven't gotten that good with my run quite yet! I hope to one day though.

For now I am talking pounds.
12.6 is the number of pounds I have lost since I started this blog in September.
That may not seem like a very high number to many of you but for me it is huge.

I have been slacking in the department of motivation so much lately.
I have done 2 things this week to pick up my motivation.

1. I ordered a new swimsuit in a size smaller yesterday.
My hope is that when it comes I can hang it so that I see it every day and am reminded that I only have 95 days until we leave for our beach vacation. Only 95 days to get my butt, thighs and gut in shape to look the way I want when I wear that new swim suit on the beach this summer!

2. I went back to my very first post on this blog.
There I found that I was 203.6 when I started writing this blog. That means that since September I have shed 12.6 pounds from my body! Seeing that number gave me hope that I can shed another 12.6 pounds and then some all on my own!

I do also find motivation, inspiration and hope in reading your blogs as well as the comments you leave me here. So to you I say thanks. Keep writing blogs and comment when you can! I read them all!

Monday, March 15, 2010

>Happy Dancin'

>I was super busy last week and totally didn't post my weigh in on Friday.
I think I did the happy dance when I hopped on the scale Friday morning.

191 (I was thrilled because my not so fave friend, AF, had also arrived that morning. I am never down in weight when she is here. This was huge for me)

Just a pound difference from the previous week but one pound closer to my goal for this month.
I now have approximately 17 days to reach my goal of under 190 by the end of March.

I also have 13 days until my first 5k race this year.
I have high hopes of getting a PR at that race. It is a race (course) I have not ever ran but I think (really hope) that I can come in around 35 minutes. I'd settle for anything under 38 because that would be a PR (for a race) for me. I've had some tough runs on the TM lately but I am trying to convince myself that because it is a race I will be all hyped up on adrenaline that I will meet my goal! Afterall there is something about running in a pack that (I think) makes us go faster! ;) We shall see.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

>My whereabouts and such...

>Last week was super busy between my son's birthday, him getting sick the night of his birthday, Girl Scout cookie stuff and then my Sweet Girl had a nasty case of strep throat when she woke up Friday morning. And all of that was just during the week!
Friday night my mom came in town for Peanut's birthday party on Saturday. I was up at 6am getting ready for his 10am party. We had to be at Chickfila at 9 to pick up food. :) I LOVE Chickfila. However, I don't recall eating much that day! I shared a chicken biscuit w/Peanut on the way to drop off Sweet Girl at her Mamaw's. Poor sicky couldn't go to the bday party because she was still considered contaigious. :( She was sad. I was sad. We all were sad.
But the party was a blast. From 10am until around noon we jumped, ran and played all over the gym floor and huge slide at a local gymnastics place. So much fun! Immediately after packing the car from Peanut's party we had to take him to another birthday party. This time swimming! I did not nor would I have even considered putting on a swimsuit in front of a bunch of other preschool mama's. Nope not me. But I did eat a small piece of cake and one small scoop of ice cream.

Did I mention at my own son's party I had NO food! LOL How does that happen?
Anyway, I felt fine with my choice of bday cake and ice cream because I knew I had worked at least a few of those not so good for me calories off by running around at the gym.

Later that evening I had to work a GS Cookie booth for two hours. I was completely wiped out by the time I got home. BUT despite that my hubby and I loaded up the kids to go grab some quick dinner. Yikes. I had a burger and fries and I do not want to disclose any information about where we ordered from! It was good though.

And I would love to say that we have finally settled down into a not so hectic week, but that is far from the truth. In fact if I didn't have a desk top calendar I would be convinced that today was Friday already! LOL It is not.

I have no idea where exactly I am going with this post but there are a few things I DO want to discuss. :)
My weigh in last week -----
Do you remember my March Goals???
Let me remind you of one of the very first goals I listed!   
It was to be below 190 by the end of the month. Do you see just how close I am?? Eeek! I CAN do this!

Last week wasn't so great. I talked myself into taking it easy since there was so much going on and I was so overwhelmed with how busy I was. Not a great choice, I know, but it is what it is.. or maybe it was what it was! This week is a different story!
3-8 Ran hills 20 mins 1.8 miles 11:26 min/mile
       Ran 12:09 mins 1.3 miles 9:43 min/mile
       Ran 16:07 mins 1.5 miles 10:45 min/mile
I also did a little training run on the treadmill. I can't remember what it was called BUT I was pleased with the results. It told me I was at 90% on my fitness level and my rating was superior. Not too shabby!

3-9 Ran 39:12 mins 3.7 miles 10:44 min/mile
I am pleased with my run last night but wish overall that I was consistent with my pace. I am not. I struggle. I love to run. I feel good after running and for the most part during my run I feel good. Sometimes I have some leg pain but manage to work through it if I stop and walk or stretch. I just wish I could find my pace and of course I'd like MY pace to be faster but sometimes I think maybe I can trying to hard to get fast. I'm not even sure how much sense I just made, ha ha.

Tonight I plan to rest because I have started to get some kind of sinus/cold thing going on and haven't been sleeping well. I am going to try to talk myself into at least doing a Wii workout. Love the EA Sports Active Trainer and want to get back into regular workouts with it.

I have approximately 18 days until my first 5K race this year. I want so badly to FEEL ready. So my goal the next week and a half is to get mentally prepared. I think if I can get over the mental aspect of running (which I think is what is getting me down) I can reach my goal!

And with this long post....
I am outta here! I hope to not be so long posting again. :)

>One More Mile Giveaway

>Once again Tricia @ Endurance Isn't Only Phsyical  is hosting another fabulous give away! This time it is from One More Mile running apparel. I don't own a tee from OMM but I hope to win this fab give away because I have my heart set on this tee...

*photo from

So, what are you waiting for?? Head click the link to Tricia's blog above and go enter!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

>March Goals

>I'm following many great weight loss and running blogs that have inspired me in so many different ways. Most of the blogs I read the writer sets monthly goals. I have not really ever done that. I *think* of certain goals but never really write them down. I may start a project at times and never finish.

I've done that with this weight loss thing too. Started with a long term goal in mind and never really finished. I think that may be because I set such a big goal. For instance, I started this at 228 lbs and my ultimate goal is 145 lbs. Do you know how far off 145 seems?? Decades to me.

Well what some of my favorite blogs have taught me is that setting small, monthly goals might make it easier to reach that big long term goal. So, my plan from here on out is to set monthly goals and post them here. At the beginning of each month I will reflect on the list of goals I wanted to reach and let you all know if I met them. Sounds easy enough right!?!

My goals for March:
1. get below 190
2. 50 running miles
3. PR my 5k race
4. Try a new recipe
5. focus on more ab work
6. EA Sports Active workouts (everyday!!)
7. cut out diet soda completely

Monday, March 1, 2010

>RunningSkirts giveaway alert!!

>If you have not checked out Running Skirts yet you must head over there now! And if you fall in love like I have then you won't want to miss the giveaway going on at Endurance Isn't Only Physical!

I have my eyeball on this one...

*photo from

Cute, huh!!?

Now go enter (or don't so I have a better chance to!!!   
double chin, pasty skin, and an oversized tee to cover the flab!

feeling youthful, pretty and having fun!!!!