>Despite a very busy evening I made it to the gym. I was stressed after leaving work and what is so funny is that it was not even work related stress! HA! Anyway, I had a GS meeting and went right to the gym once it was over. I had a 3.5 mile planned and did some stretching afterwards. My run went as follows:
3.6 miles in 37:48 @ 10:30 min/miles pace
I am hoping that once it warms up and I get back outside my pace will remain the same. I'm nervous I will slow down. Something about running outdoors intimidates me, as much as I do love it. Weird, yes. ;)
Anyway, my first 5k of the year is March 27th (I think that date is correct). It is in GA and I hope to be meeting some old friends for the race as well as having my hubby by my side (for part of it at least since he is faster than me). My goal is to run it in less than 38 minutes.
I have a lot of work to do between now and then!