Monday, January 4, 2010

>Ahh, Monday!

>I have to say that when I went to bed last night I was NOT AT ALL looking forward to Monday (today, ya know!?). I had spent the weekend laying on the couch due to a stomach bug that got the best of me starting Saturday morning. It.was.rough!!!
But I got up when the alarm clock went off this morning! I rarely do that so it was huge for me. We all got ready, ate breakfast and were out the door by 7:40! Pretty good considering only one kid had to be back at school. I'm hoping the rest of the week goes just as well. It is so hard after so many days off to get back into a routine. BUT I am ready to be back in a routine.

And I am ready to re-start, jump start or just plain ol' start this whole new year and my weight loss/working out routine. Yesterday I started reading The Complete Beck Diet for Life book and I am really looking forward to putting it to use. So far what I have read makes a lot of sense to me.  I hope to be able to share more about the book and my "diet" the further into it I get.

I haven't posted my weight in a while so I thought now would be a good time to do so.
Okay, the truth is that isn't good and yes, I am up since the last time I posted my weight on the blog (11/6/09) however, I do realize it is a 3lb gain. I'd like to think I can convince myself (and maybe even you) that since I managed to get through the holidays with only gaining 3 lbs I was still successful. Ha ha. Realistically I plan to tell myself that it might have been easy for that 3 lbs to creep back on but it's going to be hard work to get it off in addition to the other 30 lbs I want to lose this year. 

It all starts now!