Well, I went. I noticed as I pulled into the lot across the street to park that there was a new bride and her groom in the park. I also noted the photographers and what appeared to be family members and a small wedding party.
NO big deal, right!?!
I started my run off in the opposite direction of the little gathering. I thought that surely by the time I got the first mile done and came back around they would be done. I was so wrong. I couldn't cross the bridge to go to the other side of the park at all. Again, no big deal. I told myself, "I'm a big girl. I have my Blackberry on me in case I need to make an emergency phone call should one of those men in the bushes jump out at me. So, I will just take the road around to the other end of the trail." I was doing so good and felt great. My time was okay, or it seemed it was. I wasn't really timing myself just kind of going with the flow of my music. That was all fine and good until I crossed the street. A mud hole found my shoe.
But, he was right. He is the sweetest. He cleaned my shoe with a toothbrush! It was sparkly and shiny and new again. :) I was again a happy runner.
And to think it was men hiding in bushes waiting to jump out and get me that I was so worried about. It never occurred to me that mud could be just as dangerous!