Monday, September 28, 2009

>Something you should know...

>is that I am a procrastinator!
I have been meaning to post for a few days now but I keep putting it off. It's just what we procrastinator's do!  Anyway, I have not been so great at my journaling but will tell you that until Friday evening I was doing great last week! My friend and I went to the football game and before hand her son wanted to stop at McDonalds. She and I needed to eat and of course we had a coupon. So, instead of getting the grilled chicken sandwiches like we knew we should we both opted for the Quarter Pounder with cheese. We were "smart" though and each took half the bun off of our burgers! ha ha Oh well, right!

This weekend hubby and I went over to Runner's Market where I was fitted for new running shoes. This was a great experience and after quite some time deciding I chose a fabulous pair of Asic's. The GT 2140 to be exact! They have been great so far. I did 3.5 miles yesterday and had little to no leg pain. I woke up this morning a little stiff but the most pain I had was in my abs. So for me this was great!!!

We had a wedding to go to Saturday and we skipped out before food was served. We took the kids to a nicer restaurant in town since we were all dressed up. I had fish and squash with a salad and it was SO good.

I also decided that I might be tired of LAWL method of eating and need something to boost me and keep me going. So, after seeing the Jillian Michael's commercial on tv all weekend long hubby persuaded me into looking at it online. I did just that and liked what info I was given so I signed up. I told my hubby that if this week goes well for me with the food plan I was given and the workout routine then it was something I would continue doing. So, I will of course let you all know how I did this week. I still plan to weigh in on Fridays! Have a great week!

more later.....