Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Tuesday Randoms!?
~ I had that crazy calf thing that showed up not too long ago. I also haven't posted an update on that in a while. It is SO much better and my running has resumed. I've been able to get back to speed work and more mileage. This (as you well know) makes me happy!
~ I had a race scheduled for this past Saturday. A 10 miler that I had gotten pretty excited about. We had a goofy ice storm on Friday. Guess what got cancelled? Um, yeah. The race didn't happen. What did happen though? A workout for all the KE athletes! I think my workout was just as good (great really) as the race would have been had it taken place. Nothing can quite beat a great workout, right!?
~ Have you seen the commercial for the device called a Goga? It's some crazy piece of equipment you stand on and it shakes you like crazy. From what I gather it is suppose to make the weight, "melt right off." Sounds too good to be true, huh!? Yeah, I haven't done a single bit of research on it because the commercial alone is flat out ridiculous and quite frankly I still believe in a decent diet and lots of exercise! But hey, what do I know!? I'm just a girl who has found herself 90 lbs lighter than she was almost 5 years ago.
~ Ok, I think that is about it for this Tuesday. My alarm clock went off at 4:03am this morning and I had a tough workout. Body needs sleep! I hope you all are well. Thank you thank you thank y ou for continuing to support my journey and read/comment here on the blog. If you have topics you'd like me to discuss or write on, please let me know! I promise to be actively blogging again, regularly.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Ragnar Relay Florida Keys - high lights
Since I have procrastinated like crazy getting this post up I am just going to share a few high lights from the trip with you in the form of pictures. First let me say that I ran with an amazing team. I know most of these people because we run together regularly. I was excited when they asked me to fill a spot on their Ragnar FL Keys team.
So here are a few of the high lights from the trip.
First there was this...
Then there was this..
I did some of this...
but very little of this...
we planked...
and planked...
and planked..
and planked some more...
We got medals..
and celebrated...
and relaxed...
went sight seeing..
Watched the sun rise...
and set...
and planked with a past President...
and enjoyed putting our toes in the ocean..
Most of all we had a ton of FUN! Stay tuned (this week even) for more.
Monday, January 14, 2013
Motivational Monday
I started this weight loss and running thing 5 years ago! 5 years ago I decided enough was enough. I decided to get serious about losing the 100 lbs I had hanging onto my body. I weighed in at 248 lbs (that's the highest I ever care to remember, I'm sure at one point it was more). I was gross.
5 years in July I wobbled my way across the finish line of a 5k with a friend. It was hard. I was gross. 5 years ago I looked like this...
[caption id="attachment_462" align="aligncenter" width="470"]
I'm currently 86 (darn those 4 lbs I gained over the year) pounds lighter. I still have a long long way to go to meet my goal.
2012, while it had a ton of ups and great moments, was tough in the aspect of weight loss for me. I've found myself struggling since my marathon (lowest weight that day of 153). Of course I have had people remind me that I spend 4 months on the injured list but honestly it's no excuse to let a few lbs creep back on but it did happen. I haven't stressed over it a lot but it definitely has been on my mind and I do NOT like it. My clothes fit fine but I feel slightly squishier than I prefer at this time of year. It's just been really hard for me to focus on the weight loss since I got my running coach because when I hear him say, "GO eat," after a run I usually do just that and honestly it isn't always the best of choices when I do. Oops. That stops now.
I'm happy to report that I am 100% back on track and ready to get the last 18 lbs off my body once and for all. I have a feeling with dedication, determination and little fire under my butt I can make 2013 my year for making the goal mine. It isn't always going to be easy. Nothing about this journey I have been on has been easy in the 5 years I have been doing it. Nothing worth working for is going to be easy, right!?
I wrote this for me as much as I am writing it for anyone reading it. I'm motivated and want you to be as well. Your goal for the year doesn't have to be weight loss. Your goal can be fitness, weight loss or just over all health. What I am here to tell you is that all you have to do is find that fire and believe you can. You don't have to make big changes right away. Start small and move on to the big. One small step at a time will lead you to BIG success down the road. Realize that it won't be easy but it will be worth it.
and if that doesn't motivate you. Here is a current picture of me at 86 lbs lost following 5 years of running and healthy living.
Anything is possible!
Friday, January 11, 2013
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Ragnar Florida Keys 2013
We finished!! 29:20:33
I'm still recovering (seriously) from the most amazing runcation ever, but I promise that a full Ragnar Recap is coming soon!