Thursday, October 29, 2009

>I've got goals...

>and dang it I want to reach them!!!

Why is it some days it seems like those goals are so far away?

I know that patience will pay off. I know that a slow weight loss is better than a rapid one.  But it isn't so much that I want to lose weight (which I desperately need to do) but more that I have running goals I want to reach and feel like I won't.

Last night after work, I picked up my son and we headed to the track. Man, it was tough. I don't know if my legs are still tired from Saturday's race and Tuesday's workout (probably just an excuse) or if trying to run while dealing with the kids or the track surface... but I barely made 1.75 miles in 20 minutes. I was majorly disappointed. I cannot understand WHY the race Saturday felt so much easier than my last two runs have felt. The race course involved hills up and down and yet looking back on that I feel like I am in a dream and someone lied to me about how long it took me to run! ha ha

As far as goals go I want so badly to run the next 5k I plan to do (November 22nd) in about 35 minutes. At this point I can't seem to even get myself convinced that I will make that goal. I know, I know... there is still time. I know, just keep working.  But man my legs hurt!! Am I just a big baby? Am I worrying too soon?

I don't know the answers I am asking myself and I don't expect anyone else to either. I just know that I have a goal and by George I plan to keep working until I reach it. :) So, stay tuned.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

>5K update - Official Time

>I didn't want to edit yesterday's post so I thought I would just do a new one to update my time. I got the official results this morning.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

>I Raced for the Cure....

and I sincerely hope they find one!
I had set a goal of $150 as my personal fundraising efforts but thanks to some fantastic friends, family and bloggers I exceeded my goal and raised $400! Thank you everyone for your support!!
I woke up at 5:50 am this morning to get ready for my race.We were to meet my great friend and race buddy (Toni) at 6:45 am. I got all of my stuff together last night and had two choices of outfits to wear. The only thing I couldn't find was my watch. I really needed it to help keep track of my time. I was bummed as it was nearing midnight and I couldn't find my watch to save my life.
My wonderful hubby, who had just walked in the door from coaching a football game, graciously grabbed the keys and headed to Walmart to pick me up a new watch. Love him!! :)
I went to bed with a bundle of nerves and woke up relaxed.
I didn't get nervous again until we got to the start line!

Runners ----> That's us!

Toni and I headed out for a warm up jog. It was still dark out!

Running in memory of my Nana who lost her battle to breast cancer in January of 2008.

Where's Waldo?? Ha ha
Can you spot me in the pink hat?

Approaching the finish line...Notice thelady in black with her hand out..

I kicked it up a few notches and ran right past her. ;)
Crossed the line at 39:20.
I had a personal goal of 38 minutes but told myself I would be thrilled with anything under 40 even if it was 39:59! Yay, I did it! My last 5k time was over 43 this was a huge improvement since July!

Between a smile and tears.

My wonderful hubby and I. Thank you, Justin for supporting me 100% every step of the way.
I can't think of anyone else I would want by my side. xoxo

Me and the kids post race!
We were sure to stop by the Pink Ribbon tent to pick up tees for them. :)

These babies are tired tonight!!

I was sweating really bad afterwards. Funny, my friend's hubby said, "Man, your hat is so ruined!"
I thought he meant just wet.  I took it off when I got home and then noticed the discoloration!
It's going straight in the washer!

Toni and I. Thank you my friend for doing this with me.
I appreciate you. It means so much to me that you too wore a sign on your back in memory of my Nana.
I am looking forward to our next race! Rock it!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

>What's going on.....

>I haven't posted in a while about what's going on with me as far as what I am eating, my weight or my working out/running progress. I thought I would do that now. lol

My current weight : 196.6

Normally I weigh in on Fridays but decided to take a gander at the scale this morning. Since I hadn't posted a current weight in a while I took today's as my weigh in weight. Not bad. I wish I was closer to 190 right now though. Slow progress is much better than no progress though.

I plan to also get hubby to take my measurements this weekend and will post them next week. I am not sure they have changed much but it's worth taking them to find out.

As far as my food goes, I do a little of the JM plan and I do a little of Spark People. Either way I am watching and logging what I eat. I think it helps! 

Running: Just some thoughts on it. 
I have been running off and on for a while now, completed 2 5K's in the last couple of years... when can I officially call myself a runner? ha ha 
Saturday is my 3rd 5K and for whatever reason this time I am sooooo very nervous! It's all I can think about this week. Will I beat my last 5K time? Is it going to rain like the weather man predicts? How will I handle that? Should I run tonight as planned? Should I just take it easy and not run/exercise at all tomorrow? What do I eat? Ugh, it is totally consuming my thoughts this week. I don't know if I am afraid of disappointing my friend running with me or myself or my husband. I don't know what in the world it will be like to be in a race so big (12K people!). I know in my mind that I am stressing and making myself nervous over nothing. I know I should just enjoy the race. I plan to do just that! :) 

Anyway, my goal is to NOT take a huge running break after Saturday. Yes, I will rest Sunday and even thought about resting Monday then realized it's just a 5K. It isn't like I am running a marathon. I haven't even thought about ever doing that actually. A half marathon... maybe but I need to get more comfortable with running. I just may need an extra push this time next week when my brain says, "it's okay you finished the race, take a break." Uh uh uh... keep on moving! So, someone, anyone.. if you read this... please whatever you do.....


thanks. ;)
Stay tuned for race pictures and details.

Monday, October 19, 2009

>Merry Christmas!!!

What, you mean it isn't Christmas yet??

Well, it sure feels like it outside where I live.
It is soooo cold.

And, I got a present.
My wonderful hubby surprised me Saturday morning with an early Christmas gift.
I was so shocked. I cried even.

He was so sweet too,
"I support you 100% in all that you do. And I love you! So, here is an early Christmas gift!"

So, aren't they just awesome?
New Oakley shades just for running! Yay!
And in time for my Race for the Cure 5k this coming Saturday.
See the little pink ribbons on them? Love them! 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

>It's official now!

I posted not long ago that I am participating (running) my 3rd 5k soon (like 10 days, people!!!).
I am really excited about this upcoming race because it is of course for a cause that is close to my heart especially since I lost my Nana to breast cancer not too long ago.
Yesterday my official race packet came in the mail. I've been waiting on it for a while now and when I saw it I kinda squealed with delight! ha ha
Anyway, I immediately ripped open the package and tried on my race shirt. I even got hubby to snap a couple of pics of me modeling it. ;)

My official race bib (#2043) and D-tag. I am so nervous to be in the "competitive" runners category but I did it so that I could get an official race time. I have a timed goal I want to beat this go round. I am nervous about that especially since when I pulled up the course map last night the first little bit is uphill. Mind you, I have not been practicing running hills! Yikes! But you can bet the next few days will be spent doing just that!

And here I am in my race tee! I am so excited I was able to get a "L" and still have plenty of room! :) All this running and watching what I eat is so paying off (if I do say so myself)!

Now, if any of you read this and are interested in donating to a great cause please see the breast cancer link in my side bar! It should take you either directly to my page or the page where you can select a race participant. All ya gotta do is enter my name, "Kimberly Emert" and donate that way. Or you can go here I am so happy that I have gotten the donations I have. It means so much to me that my family, friends and even those that I do not know personally in real life have helped me "Fight the Cure!" I know I am just a few dollars away from reaching my goal, but how great would it be to go above and beyond that?
Thank you from the very bottom of my heart for your generosity!

Monday, October 12, 2009


It feels like I have been away forever!

Last week was chaotic even with me being off work. I had so much planned to do with the kids (and I was watching a close friend's son). We had a fun week planned. After I went to my Orthodontist appointment on Thursday morning I had planned to come home and since it was nice was going to get outside with the kids. I came right home to change clothes and check email and that's when the day went downhill.
I found out by email that a close and dear friend from high school had passed away unexpectedly that morning. Sadness. My day was shot between emails, Facebook messages and my phone buzzing all day long. All I could do was make plans to be sure I left in time to get to GA.

So, that's where I was all weekend long. I didn't even have time to think about posting my scale victory from Friday. It was a busy week and I had worked pretty hard at the gym. I wasn't sure if I was expecting a huge loss or  little loss but was just hoping to see a loss! And we all know a loss is a loss, right!? Right. :)
Anyway, Friday's grand number was......


I will take that! I just hope my weekend of too much time spent in the car, a drink with a friend, a few dinners out, and the lovely monthly visitor making her appearance aren't all going to be huge factors that blow me off the scale this coming week. I make take all of that into consideration and hold my weigh in this coming Saturday instead. I guess I will wait and see. For now I am just happy to announce that my Monday has started off pretty well.

Have a great week! :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

>Giveaway alert!!!

>Have you checked out Prior Fat Girl? If not, you must go check out her blog. It is fabulous reading. She is very inspirational. I've made her part of my morning routine and once you read her blog you will see why! PFG is having a give away and you can enter to win!  this book Just head over to her blog and check it out!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

>Checking In

>I haven't been on in a while but I wanted to check in to let you know I am alive and doing well! I have done a great job with food even this past weekend I didn't allow myself to completely pig out. I also have been a working out fool! I believe in rest days but I have decided that right now to get where I want to be one rest day is it for the week. We will see how long that lasts. ha ha

I am off work this week and it has been much tougher than I anticipated. I do have more time to plan. I do have extra time to work out. I do have a million and one projects at home I want done this week. Included in those household projects are about 4,329 loads of laundry that need to be washed, dried, folded and most importantly PUT AWAY!! Where does the time during the day go? I have had half those loads of laundry on my couch waiting to be put in their designated areas for 2 days now. So, tomorrow the goal is to get them put away. Anyone know how many calories I can burn doing that??

Speaking of calories....That's my latest thing. I am hung up on burning calories. As "Killian" says, "calories in = calories out."  So, hopefully that theory and everything I am doing is working in my weight loss favor. I will post more later in the week if I get a chance. I will definitely post my weigh in on Friday.

Have a great week!

Friday, October 2, 2009

>Weigh-In day....

>Normally most people (including myself) dread this day. A combination of nerves and excitement I think goes on in my head! But today I was ready for it. I stepped on that scale this morning and right by off with a big smile on my face.


Do you see that??????
OMGee! I cannot remember a time I have been more excited lately! I have lost half of what my initial goal was when I started. My first goal was to get to 185 before Christmas! It looks like I am well on my way there with only 13 lbs until I reach that goal!

Bring it on!!!!